Anyone who enthusiastically gardens sustainably is probably also gardening fairly ecologically. Nevertheless, sustainable gardening is not about implementing strict “textbook” rules, and it goes far beyond the orchard. It’s a process that you can gradually implement without feeling overwhelmed.

Save water

Water is the source of life. Rainwater that can be collected is ideal for watering. There are special rainwater flaps for downpipes on gutters that direct the valuable wet directly into the bin. Even more effective are cisterns, which can store large amounts of rainwater. Water consumption should generally be kept to a minimum.

Manual work protects the environment

Use the hand tool more often when pruning whether you are cutting the cherry laurel or the boxwood. Do without plastic devices with a short lifetime. It is ideal if you buy expensive, larger equipment such as garden shredders.

It is also ideal to use composite fencing ( as this can last long.

composite fencing

Make your own compost

Your own compost is the “king of fertilizers”. It improves the soil and provides the plants with valuable nutrients as they grow. A lot of kitchen waste does not end up in the residual waste but in the garden. Wooden compost bins are more environmentally friendly than plastic products. The amount of purchased garden soil in plastic bags that generate waste is also significantly reduced by using your own substrate. If you buy soil, you should pay attention to peat-reduced or peat-free potting soil.

Remove weeds without chemicals

Herbicides should no longer be used in the garden at all. Regular weeding and loosening of the soil, on the other hand, protects soil life and increases the water storage capacity of the soil. Dense planting in the beds gives weeds no chance and pretty joint fillers such as the hard-wearing Roman chamomile prevent unwanted plants from settling.

Environmentally friendly helpers in the vegetable garden

Vegetable protection nets are often indispensable. But there are alternatives to foil and plastic nets. Cover gauze made from organic cotton is suitable for frost protection and warding off pests. You can use the net can be used several times. It is compostable and leaves no residual waste. Instead of foil, for example, you can use garden mulch paper which is then simply dug under. Biodegradable tunnel or mulch film based on grain flour is also recommended.