Tgc Historic

Detrimental environmental change is a hot topic. It has changed significantly and received attention both in the news and in social media platforms. Policymakers, scientists as well as the general public become more aware and concerned of the real threats of what such change could bring.

Be Surprised with the Problems our Environment is Facing

A great number of the readily identified causes for such changes are geared on human activities. The biggest contributor to greenhouse gases in earth’s atmosphere. Not to mention, the never-ending burning of fossil fuels to generate energy and heating along with the usage of CFCs or Chlorofluorocarbons as aerosols and coolants.

There are also serious threats to freshwater and clean water supplies including the contamination not just from the precipitation of the chemical emissions that accumulated in atmosphere but the poor agricultural practices using fertilizers and pesticides.

Apart from that, part of detrimental environmental topic that is trying to be addressed today is the waste discharges to rivers from salt used highway, hazardous wastes incorrectly disposed, salt used along highway to deice and leachate dumped by municipalities.

Too many Issues to Discuss in One Sitting

This and many others are only few of the notable and serious issues discussed to handle reverse the environmental damage.
