Urban trees are big help in mitigating the social consequences and other negative impacts of urbanization. Therefore, it helps cities to be more resilient to change.
Trees aren’t just for City Beautification
Aside from that, there are many other aspects in which forests and trees are cities to become environmentally sustainable and socio-economic.
- Trees are contributing to the growth of nutrition security and local food. Their wood may be used for heating and cooking.
- Trees do play a significant role as well in improving biodiversity by providing animals with favorable habitat, protection and also, food, which are all essential for survival.
- Mature tree is capable of absorbing up to 150kg of carbon dioxide annually. Because of this, trees are vital in reducing climate change issues. The impact of trees are heavily felt in cities that have high pollution as trees can absorb CO2, it can help in improving air quality which makes cities a healthier place to live in.
- The strategic placement of trees in these cities helps in cooling air down by 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. As a result, urban communities are more equipped in adapting to effects of climate change.
- Large trees are perfect for filtering fine particulates as well as urban pollutants. Also, it is absorbing pollutant gasses including nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, sulfur oxides and ozone.