In many areas, researchers have found that three out of four bugs, bees, and butterflies have disappeared in the past 30 years. A major contributor is industrial agriculture. But it is also becoming increasingly difficult for insects because the entire landscape is impoverished – habitats such as hedges, ponds, or green spaces rich in flowers give way to monocultures or asphalt and concrete.
What is happening right now?
In the most species-rich animal class on earth, massive deaths are taking place across the board. One of the main causes of insect death is intensive agriculture with its pesticides and insecticides.
Sealing our landscape with asphalt or concrete also contributes to the vanishing habitat for insects and animals.
Ways to help insects
Have a large vegetable buffet to attract as many different insects as possible. Blooming herbs such as sage, thyme, and lavender as well as local roses also magically attract insects. However, insects prefer native plants. If you can, take care of plants all year round.
Plant native woody plants such as hawthorn or willow, a rowan tree, or even a buddleia that is particularly popular with butterflies.
Protect your plants naturally and avoid pesticides. For instance, aphids are a great food for ladybugs.
Avoid exotic plants that are of no interest to insects.
Leave dead wood in the garden because this is an ideal shelter for insects. Also, animals can use waste wood as food and building material.
Make a pile of stones where insects like the large woolly bee or mortar bee can hide.
Offer moist clay in a shallow bowl. A lot of insects like the mason bee need this in order to build their nests.
Build a mini pond.
Construct a hedge from cut branches if possible. It attracts many insects.
Offer pithy stems like those of raspberry, blackberry, dog rose, or black elderberry as nesting places.
Construct an insect hotel whether it is for just one or several species. Use various natural materials such as sticks, wooden discs, and bamboo canes.
While reading nomatic backpack review, you may search for practical ways to protect animals and nature and save planet earth in your own garden or balcony.