Nuclear reactor plays a big role in delivering energy to major cities. However, it has to be closely monitored or else, it could bring major damage to the area it is erected. Uncontrolled nuclear reaction inside the nuclear reactor may lead to widespread contamination both of water and air. In the US, there’s a slight chance of this to happen due to the redundant and diverse barriers as well as safety systems implemented in each plant.

Not to mention, they bolster it with host of other things like:

  • Constantly training operators
  • Improving its manpower’s skills
  • Regularly doing maintenance and testing activities
  • Strictly follow regulatory requirements
  • Oversight of US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Powered Plants

A large piece of land surrounding nuclear power plant is heavily guarded and restricted by armed security teams too. US reactors have containment vessels that are made to withstand earthquakes and even extreme weather conditions.

When compared power plants that runs on fossil fuel, nuclear reactors are not producing carbon dioxide or air pollution while it is in operation.

On the other hand, the process involved for mining as well as refining uranium ore needed to power it up and make reactor fuel consumes enormous amount of energy. Nuclear power plants need large amounts of concrete and metal as well which demands great energy for it to manufacture. In the event that fossil fuels are utilized for mining and refinement of uranium ore, or if fossil fuels are utilized to construct nuclear power plants, then the emissions can be associated with generated electricity in nuclear power plants.

What are the Dangers?

One of the major concerns for our environment with the use of nuclear power is its creation of radioactive wastes. This includes uranium mill tailings. Such materials actually are dangerous and it remains radioactive for thousands of years. Without a doubt, it can be detrimental to human health. If you would use long tail keywords when searching the web for its potential effects, it would probably send chills to down to your bones after you find out what could happen.

As a result, radioactive wastes follow special regulations that is governing handling, transport, storage as well as disposal to preserve the environment and of course, human health. All of these are overseen by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.